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All Rules in Professions

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Determining Profits

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 79
To calculate the income you receive from your business, attempt a skill check in the associated Profession skill, taking the appropriate Labor Factor listed on Table 2–7 as a penalty. If you employ extra assistants, remember that each one increases the Labor Factor penalty on the check by 1. Multiply the result of this check by the Monthly Profits Factor on the table to determine your net monthly profits in gold pieces.

For example, if you are running a Small trading house with a modifier of +9 in Profession (merchant) and you have hired two extra assistants (beyond the two-employee minimum) to manage things for you while you adventure, your net modifier would be 9 – 2 (for the Labor Factor) – 2 (for the extra assistants) = 5. If you roll a 9, for a total of 14, you then multiply that total by 10 (the Monthly Profits Factor for a Small business) to determine that you’ve made a net profit of 140 gp over the course of the month. If you had chosen to manage the business in person, with no help from extra assistants, then your profits would have been 160 gp, but you would have been tied to the store and unable to adventure for half the month.